Wedding videographer Jane holding her camera

Hi I’m Jane…

After filming a friend’s wedding back in 2014 it’s fair to say I became hooked on creating wedding videos.  I’ve been chasing the high of delivering these time capsules of love ever since - for the pride and happiness of knowing that my videos will be watched by your children and your children’s children for years to come.

Blending into the background, I'll capture your day as it naturally unfolds.  I’m all about creating wedding films that are true to the events of your day, in all its anecdotal glory, with all the love, laughter (and perhaps some tears!) scooped up and brought to the fore.  

As I am based in the South East my home ground is Kent, London, East & West Sussex, Surrey and Hampshire, however I am more than happy to travel throughout the UK (and beyond!)

Having a front row ticket to a couples’ big day is a privilege and I’d think myself extremely lucky if you'd consider inviting me to yours.